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对护理感兴趣? 你可以去体彩外围网站!

我们有第二个站点 布莱恩健康科学学院 (BCHS) four-year bachelor of science in nursing program, with instruction at 体彩外围网站 and 玛丽兰宁医疗保健 in Hastings, and offer a 3+1 nursing program in p艺术nership with the 克莱顿大学护理学院.

You can also complete accelerated nursing program at other institutions across the country (via a transfer program) or complete your undergrad at Hastings and then enroll in a nursing program — or even take advantage of two years at Hastings followed by a two-year BSN program. 向你的招生顾问咨询细节. 



布莱恩健康科学学院 offers a four year nursing program in Hastings — with BCHS students living at 体彩外围网站. Most general education courses will be taken through 体彩外围网站 with the majority of clinical opportunities at 玛丽兰宁医疗保健 and Grand Island Regional.

You’ll be a 布莱恩健康科学学院 student through this program — but live on the 体彩外围网站 campus and be able to p艺术icipate in campus activities.

要参加这个项目,你必须 应用 to and be admitted by BCHS; just select the Hastings location on the application. 

This second location for the 布莱恩健康科学学院 BSN program is a p艺术nership between 体彩外围网站, BCHS和玛丽兰宁医疗保健.


Spend three years on the 体彩外围网站 campus as a 体彩外围网站 student followed by one year in Creighton’s Accelerated Bachelor of Science in 护理 (BSN) program. When you graduate you’ll receive two degrees: a bachelors in Biology–Health Systems from Hastings and a BSN from Creighton.

体彩外围网站待了三年之后, you’ll move into the Creighton nursing program upon admission, 八月开学. It’s a great example of community-based education in a program that’s in demand. 


For those interested in completing an accelerated nursing program at other institutions across the country, 体彩外围网站的课程可以转学.

我们也提供传统的四年计划 在护士学校之前毕业, and some nursing programs offer a two-two program, with two years at Hastings and two years in a BSN program. 你可以咨询一下你的招生顾问.


多亏了我们的小班教学, 学生与教师的比例为13:1, you’ll work closely with faculty and your advisor to ch艺术 a course and prepare for the accelerated BSN program.

黑斯廷斯一家College 方正学期 structure means you’ll take just one or two classes at a time — which lets you focus more intently on each class. It also lets faculty devote more time to every student because they’re only teaching one or two classes in a block!


在黑斯廷斯, students have the opportunity expand their understanding of the world by studying abroad. Many take advantage of  additional experiences and insight that help advance career options. 这一切意味着什么? You’ll graduate from 体彩外围网站 ready to succeed.

沿着你的道路, you’ll appreciate the stepping stones of teaching, 咨询, 鼓舞人心的, supporting and guiding from our engaged faculty. It’s an experience that’s true to 体彩外围网站, and you won’t find it anywhere else.

注意: Scholarship information below is for 体彩外围网站 students enrolled in the Creighton 3+1 or traditional nursing program. 



最大化奖学金 — Yes, you’ll get an academic scholarship. But you’ll also get a “plus one” scholarship from the group, team or area you’re p艺术 of. It’s a great way to help pay for school — but also to find your people.

FourYearPlan 23

We’ve thought a lot about the ways students learn and built a 四年计划 来帮助你驾驭这一切. 从找到你的位置到一年级, to showing the world you’re ready for what’s next four years later.

YourExperienceMatters 23

Your transition from college to a career begins your first semester. Every class, internship, research study and activity adds up. 我们喜欢 庆祝你所有的闪光点 -你的经验很重要!


  • Beta Beta Beta(生物荣誉学会)
  • Alpha Chi(学术荣誉协会)

In addition to these biology/nursing-related groups, the 3+1  program is a great way to get into nursing while exploring and enjoying your other interests, 如 乐队, 剧院, 合唱, 体育运动, 艺术, 学生组织 和更多的. All are available to you during your time as a student at 体彩外围网站. You can even add supporting majors or minors at Hastings to broaden your education and match your interests.

It’s a full college experience not always possible in traditional nursing programs.


Your high school achievements can both fuel and fund your success at Hastings. 我们提供一系列的 generous and renewable academic scholarships 基于你的GPA. 然后有一个 “加一”奖学金 — an additional scholarship for p艺术icipating in anything from 体育运动 to the 艺术s to media (it’s a long list!).

这些都加起来了 to making Hastings an great choice for you and your family.


  • 玛丽兰宁医疗保健
  • 布莱恩医疗中心
  • 志生街. FrancisA 
  • 儿童医院 & 医疗中心-奥马哈
  • 丹佛健康
  • 自闭症谱系中心


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